FloraFlex Matrix Circulator (12 Pk)


Size: 2 1/4"
Sale price£10.90
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Take The Guesswork Out Of Feeding And Take Control

The Flora Flex Matrix Circulator is part of the Matrix System. Top Feeding Wicking System that provides the evenest way to deliver water and nutrients to your plants.

You can purchase the Complete Matrix Delivery Kits here (saves the faff buying the individual components)

With the Flora Flex Matrix System water and nutrients travel into the Circulator, hit the slope of the Matrix and are pushed outward into eight maze sections that have individual holes dripping the water and nutrients onto the Wicking Pad. The Circulator has two barbed nozzles to attach 1/4″ OD Flora Tubing that allows you to automate the Matrix System.

Choose your Matrix by your pot’s diameter: 

Place the Matrix Pad on the surface of your plant, and the Matrix Unit on top of it, press down, fit the Circulator into the centre holes, and connect your 1/4″ OD tubing to the Circulator. Now let your plants enjoy the benefits of a Top Feeding Wicking System.

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