GAS Enviro Controller V4 26AMP Environment Humidity Temperature AC EC Fan Control

Economisez £40.05

Prix réduit£314.95 Prix normal£355.00
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The new Enviro controller by Global Air Supplies is here! The main differences to the previous version:

  • Only works with EC fans (so if you've got an RVK-style fan, you'll need the Enviro v2 or another fan controller)
  • The temperature, humidity and light sensor probe, can now easily be replaced (plug & play) using a connector socket on the exterior of the unit!  The same rule applies though..don't fucking spray it with water! Please.
  • Four programmable sockets that control up to 26 amps of power (twice as much as the Enviro v2)

Instructions here


The Enviro4 Controller digitally manages temperature and humidity in your grow room by controlling fan speeds. It automatically adjusts EC fan speeds and controls both intake and outtake fans, perfectly compatible with the Systemair Revolution EC fan range.


The Enviro4 sensor ensures a stable grow room environment. It detects temperature changes using a thermostat, maintaining your programmed parameters. The humidity sensor monitors and controls humidity levels. You can program day and night settings for your desired climate. Additionally, the Enviro4 features an easily replaceable upgraded probe.


The Enviro4 controller manages fans and offers four programmable sockets for controlling heaters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and lights in your grow room. It supports customized day and night settings for heaters, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers. The controller accommodates most equipment within a limit of 2,200 watts per exit. For grow lights, avoid exceeding 2,400 watts across all four plugs due to high start-up surges.


  • Controls EC fans
  • Controls and regulates temperature and humidity
  • Control humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heaters, lights and other equipment with a timer
  • Centralise your control and simplify your grow room
  • Easily replace the probe
  • Day and night settings
  • Dump feature for closed-loop environments
  • LCD display
  • 4 programmable sockets
  • Simple navigation and set-up
  • Fan balancer
  • For grow lights don’t exceed 2,400 watts (4x 600-watt lights)
  • Built-in fan balancer to run both outtake and intake fans
  • Max 26 amp total
  • 1.2-metre power leads
  • 3.8-metre probe length
  • Dimensions 20x9cm
  • Compatible with Systemair EC fans, Rhino Ultra EC fans and Hyperfan V2 with an additional cable

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