Mills Nutrients Nutrients Cal-Mag provides the vital minerals of magnesium and calcium to your plants, which helps to strengthen and accelerate their growth. It also stops plants from forming unwanted deficiencies such as yellowing leaves and stunted growth.
- Hardens soft water
- Increases the levels of calcium and magnesium in your plants
- Improves the quality and overall health of your plants
- Prevents and solves your plants’ mineral deficiencies
- Promotes plant growth
- Helps to raise and stabilise EC levels to correct range
Cal-Mag works to provide your plants with Calcium and Magnesium, which are both essential for nutrient absorption and photosynthesis. With these minerals, you can stabilise your EC level, which is important for your plants to grow and flower efficiently.
It is very important to use Cal-Mag to harder your water in areas with soft water, allowing your plants to flourish successfully. Hard water helps your plants to absorb nutrients easier, which helps throughout the grow cycle.
When using Mills Nutrients Nutrients Basis A&B, you will already be feeding your plants a sufficient amount of Calcium and Magnesium, but if you notice deficiencies, it could indicate that more of these minerals are needed. If this is the case, then Cal-Mag has you covered.
How To Use
Cal-Mag must be kept out of reach of children and is harmful if it comes into contact with your eyes. Avoid ingesting or breathing in the product, as it could be corrosive and harmful to your health if swallowed. Avoid direct heat, fire, or contact with your skin, as prolonged exposure could cause irritation.
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