Grow Gadgets Propagation Heat Mat


Size: 254mm x 527mm - 18W
Sale price£29.50
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Warm your seedlings up to 20℃ above room temperature. This durable, waterproof mat accelerates germination and encourages strong early growth. 

Three sizes available: 

  • 18W 254mm x 527mm
  • 45W 508mm x 527mm
  • 105W 1219mm x 527mm

Propagation is a critical stage of growth. If plants don’t get the best start early, they’re less likely to deliver high yields later on. 

Young plants need to grow in a warm, consistent environment for the best rates of germination. The Grow Gadgets Heated Mat is an instant solution. Just place inside your propagator for gentle, even warmth. 

Plants will become dormant or even die if growing conditions are too cold. 

This mat is perfect if you’re growing in colder climates or propagating during the winter months. It’s the biggest advantage of indoor growing; you’re never limited by the seasons. 

Propagate in sheds, greenhouses, and grow tents without worry. Working up to 20℃ above room temperature, your young plants will always stay in the perfect conditions for prime root development. Not only will young plants grow healthier in optimal conditions, but they’ll grow faster, too. 

It’s an all-natural way to accelerate the process, with no compromise on plant health or yield size. 

Splashes, spills, and leaks are all common in a grow room. The Grow Gadgets Heated Mat is fully sealed and waterproof.

  • Allows you to germinate early or late in the season;
  • Maintains optimal temperature for seedlings;
  • Can be connected to the inkbird
  • Speeds germination process by several days;
  • Prevents damage and dormancy in cold weather;
  • Resilient waterproof design.

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