Purolyt Disinfectant Concentrate


Size: 500ml
Sale price£22.00
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YOU NEED HEALTH INSURANCE FOR YOUR GROW ROOM! Purolyt is a grow room essential that kills bacteria, fungi and algae and could save your plants when potentially fatal infections take hold.

What is Purolyt?

Purolyt is a dis­in­fect­ant con­cen­trate based on hy­po­chlor­ous acid (HOCL) which is used in pro­fes­sion­al hy­giene man­age­ment for dis­in­fec­tion of sur­faces, equip­ment/tools, wa­ter­/li­quids and air.


Purolyt kills fast and reliable harmful bacteria, fungi, algae and viruses, e.g. Escherichia coli - Salmonella Typhimurium - Staphylococcus aureus - Pythium spp. / Phytophthora spp (root rot) - Botrytis cinerea (gray mold) - Peronosporaceae (downy mildew) - Erysiphaceae (powdery mildew).

Biofilms in water-bearing systems are also effectively removed, and the regeneration gets prevented.


Purolyt can be diluted via spaying, nebulizing, wiping, dipping, or by directly adding it to the liquid that is supposed to be disinfected.

Active principle

Purolyt works similar to the human body to fight bacteria and viruses: When the immune system detects a virus, white blood cells are activated. Those produce hypochlorous acid (HOCL), which is also the active substance of Purolyt. It is scientifically proved that HOCL has extremely effective disinfectant characteristics.


  • Creates reliable circumstances for a constant and successful production
  • Deficiencies can be minimized
  • Work effort gets cut down and working time reduced


  • It does not leave any risks since oxidants decompose back to water and minerals.
  • Due to the active principle of Purolyt, the resistance development of microorganisms is not possible.
  • Free of chemical additives like tensides, phosphates, alcohols, formaldehyde, silver ions, fragrances- or colouring.
  • The production occurs resource-saving in an electrochemical water + salt + electricity process.

Disinfection of Air by Spraying or Fogging (e.g. in Rooms, Cars, Greenhousesor Propagators)

Prepare a 1:50 dilution (20 ml Purolyt per 1L of water).

For spraying, commercially available pressure sprayers are suitable.

Please note: Purified water should always be used for spraying and fogging applications (e.g. distilled water, deionised water or osmosis water). Complete wetting must be ensured! An ideal contribution is achieved by cold fogging - especially for room air disinfection.

Disinfection of Surfaces: (e.g.Walls, Equipment, Tools, Pots/Containers, Pipes or Tubes)

Prepare a 1:50 dilution (20 ml Purolyt per 1L of water).

You can spray the mixture onto the surface or immerse parts with complex geometries. Pipes and tubes can easily be flushed.

Please note: If the surface is visibly dirty, it should be cleaned (mechanically) before being disinfected. Complete wetting of the surfaces must be ensured! The exposure time depends on the degree of contamination: 3-6 minutes.

Disinfection of Water (e.g. in Water reservoirs, Nutrient tanks or Air Conditioning

For preventive use, add 5-10 ml Purolyt for every 10 L of water directly to the water.

To treat an already existing contamination, add 20-40 ml Purolyt for every 10 L of water directly to the water.

Please note: At water temperatures below 23 ·c (74 °F), apply once a week with the lower dosage. At water temperatures above 23 ·c (74 °F), apply twice a week with the higher dosage.

We highly recommend preventive use! If you use organic fertilisers, enzymes, or microorganisms in hydroponic systems, you should observe a waiting period of 2 hours before using them after the water was disinfected.

Disinfection of Inert Substrates 

Prepare a 1:100 dilution (10 ml Purolyt per 1L of water).

Please note: Remove as many of the old roots as possible. Soak the substrate and let it rest for 24 hours. Suitable for all kinds of inert substrates


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