Apogee PQ-612 ePAR Sensor




Forget about watts (the input), it is actually the output that should be measured - this is PPFD (photon synthetic flux density) is the true measure of light that plants need. Know your PPFD! 

This bundle is for those wanting to use their phone to read, monitor, measure and see PPFD reports within the Extended Photosynthetically Active Radiation (ePAR) sensor (this is between 400-750nm)!

This kit comes with:

  • SQ-610-SS (ePAR) sensor including a 30 cm cable
  • a microCache Bluetooth micro-logger
  • an AA-090 protective Neoprene Case
  • an extra 2545 microCache battery
  • and an AM-020 Apogee PVC Sensor Platform

The extended 2 meter cable of the SS2 model allows the microCache to be positioned further from the sensor. When paired, these two devices are a powerful tool for monitoring total photon flux intensity with research-grade accuracy for optimal specimen growth. 

The new SQ-610 ePAR was created in 2021 to measure the newly defined 400-750 nm ePAR radiation range that emerging research is showing to be photosynthetically active beyond the traditional 400-700 nm range.

The new AT-100 microCache (µCache) micro-logger is a rugged, standalone, battery-powered device that can collect over 400,000 data points and connects your sensor to your iOS or Android device via Bluetooth using our free ApogeeConnect app. The app allows you to make real-time measurements, set custom datalogging intervals, monitor and graph daily lights integrals, assure photoperiods, download datasets, and more.

  • View Real-time Data
  • Transmits real-time data to iOS and Android devices using the Apogee Connect app.
  • Rugged Housing
  • IP67 rated for harsh environments.
  • Datalogging Mode
  • Stores over 400,000 entries, (9 months of 1-minute data) with programmable sampling and logging intervals.
  • High Resolution Readings
  • Processor features a 24 bit analog-to-digital converter.
  • Warranty and Support
  • The µCache is backed by a 4 year warranty and outstanding customer support.

About Apogee

The Apogee quantum meters (AKA par meter) are the industry standard and tool of choice for professionals and scientists all over the world. Accurately measuring PPFD from all light sources.  For those looking to dial in their grows, you need a good quality par meter...and Apogee is the king of meters and the choice of all the professionals.

Why Do I Need This?

We get it, it's not cheap and definitely not a day 1 purchase for a grower just starting out!  However, once you've got the environment dialled in, look into dialling in the output of your lights. Plants don't care how many watts you throw in your light..it's the quantity (number of umoles) and the quality (spectrum) output of the light that matters. Growers looking to dial it in should be looking at the PPFD of their light relative to the number of watts (and of course the cost of the light).

With this tool, you can accurately measure the PPFD over your plant canopy and ensure you hit that sweet spot of 600-900 PPFD (numbers based on current science literature). PPFD of 1000+ will require the use of supplemental CO2 in your grow room.  

Check out our article here for more info Apogee is led by Crop Physiology Professor (uber plant scientist), Bruce Bugbee (google him!). Apogee leads the field, set the standard, and create these instruments used by scientists the world over.

What is the difference between PAR and ePAR? PAR stands for Photosynthetic Active Radiation, which is the range defined back in the 1970s accepted as the range within the colour spectrum of light that plants use to photosynthesise. Fast forward to today, and studies have shown that far reds actually contribute to the rate of photosynthesis. Thus, the traditional range of 400-700, and technically then, we're under measuring the PPFDs that plants use to photosynthesis when measuring traditional 400-700nm.

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