

Size: 10ml
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Note the 10 and 20ml sizes are our own decant into a glass bottle from the larger official bottles.

DYNAMEC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 18g/litre abamectin (1.8% w/w).

  • For the control of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae - adults and immature stages), the larval stages of leaf miners (Liriomyza spp.) and the nymphs of Thrips spp. and Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), plus a useful reduction in adults.
  • DYNAMEC may be used in protected ornamental plant production and in protected tomatoes, strawberries, aubergine and peppers.
  • DYNAMEC is slow-acting and, although pests become immobilised soon after exposure, between 3 and 5 days may be required to achieve maximum mortality.


Two to three sequential applications of Dynamec may be made to target a single generation of the pest. It is advisable to alternate the sequential applications of Dynamec with products that have a different mode of action.

Methods of application: 0.5ml per litre of water and foliar spray - make sure to hit under the leaves! Once mixed, do not let it sit and reuse it later. 

Application Timing: Apply as soon as mites are seen, preferably before leaf damage becomes apparent or ‘webbing’ has occurred. If required a repeat application may be made 3 days later. 

Note: It is a criminal offence to use this pesticide (authorised for professional use) without the appropriate certificate. Do not purchase if you do not hold the relevant certificate of competence (unless the intended end user is working under the supervision of a certificated person for the purposes of training). 

Click here for more Spider Mite Control products

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