Get this brain if you need to catch the run-off from your plants or from your dehumidifier! This brain funnels all that run-off and pumps it out (back into your tank, or to a sink, or a drain or wherever you want) via the internal pump.
The ‘Brain’ is the component that removes the runoff using a pump that is activated when the water level reaches a set point.
When the internal float switch is activated, the runoff from your automated or manual fed system to the destination of your choice i.e. return to the tank or down the drain. Can be used to make your own return-to-waste system, and choose your own pipe and trays. Plug and play.
The brain does not come with any fittings, so you will need to get either
- 6 x IWS straight + 12 washers and 6 nuts for 25mm pipe, or
- 6 x universal sealing glands + 6 IWS straights for 16mm pipe . You may want to get some 16mm stop ends to block the unused inlets as well, or just loop a bit of pipe to the unused ones.