Terra Aquatica Fulvic

Size: 500ml
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The biggest boost you can give your plants after nutrients is a high-quality Fulvic acid, and Fulvic is the best in the world

Soluble Humates contain a myriad of natural plant growth-promoting compounds plus nutrient-enhancing ingredients. Of these, Fulvic acid acids are the substances that do the real heavy lifting by making minerals more easily absorbed by plants, making nutrients more effective.

We analysed and tested many different Leonardite sources from around the world to give our proprietary, pH balanced, Fulvic acid the maximum agronomic benefits to deliver :

  • Better root development
  • earlier harvests
  • healthier, disease-resistant plants
  • enhanced quality of flavour and fragrance
  • increased essential oil productionsignificantly higher yields

No matter what concentration a product claims, it’s the quality and composition of the Fulvic acid that counts – and this is why Fulvic outperforms the competition.

Add to every watering or feeding or use as a foliar spray from veg through up to early flowering/fruiting.

To improve germination, soak seeds in Fulvic solution.

  • Solution : 2 ml/L
  • Foliar spray : 3 ml/L

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